To Aru Majutsu no Index II 06
Sorry, not the surprise a lot of you were hoping for today, but a surprise nonetheless. After the Railgun joint we figured eh why not, we both love Raildex so we might as well help out UTW with Index too.
Thus we present to you, the Mazui-UTW joint of Index 6!
Xvid in a bit, and we'll release eps 1-5 re-edited sometime over the weekend.
Comments (156)
now 1 more reason i get ur stuff for To Aru Majutsu no Index II :D
ohhh, 1 more thing...
Index WIN!
utw breaks it off with gg then subs it with mazui six episodes in
I never doubted you guys
I'll be glad to see that biribiri in my Index.
Good to know I can count on the UTW releases to be even better than they already were.
i saw Touma here...:P
Since it's now a joint, which will you use:
1) BiriBiri
2) Sparky
I'm just curious. Your answer determines whether I switch to you guys or not. :P
u could tell something was wrong with them when they fu*ked up Stiyl's name on the first episode
lol, thanks!!
Since when?
2. Saya Tokido (Little Busters! Ecstasy game)
Both voiced by Harumi Sakurai
Anyway, this is great news!
Aside from being a BAKA GAIJIN name and not a GRORIOUS NIPPON one.
i wanna see which want worth to download, =.="
just how many GB i have waste to re-download the whole translate ver. of this series, -.-"
Anyway, thanks for subbing! :)
Also, Sparky < Anything Else < Biribiri < Pikachu. Start using Pikachu. It works because it can be used in a derogatory manner and there's already fanart of her dressed as a Pikachu so why not.
Q. In the joint UTW/Mazui Index II project, what should Misaka Mikoto's nickname be?
a) Biribiri
b) Sparky
c) Shocker
d) Pikachu /* shudder */
e) Other (please specify)
Obviously, the final choice is up to the groups, but this way it can be clear how people want it translated.
As to my own opinion, I can logically see how sparky conveys more of the nuances of the nickname to a non-Japanese viewer, but somehow I still prefer the original Biribiri. For a dub, perhaps Sparky would be the better choice, but in a fansubbed anime, perhaps it's best to stick to the original names, and by extension nicknames.
But anyway... Thanks...
Although, she could have meant to say "fairly certain" but don't you think it's more interesting the other way? ;)
I love you guys so much.
Somewhere in my heart I just couldn't let go of hope..
Look and behold, I loveyou guys xD
Gonna watch both groups.. :D
Mazui will probably own in terms of grammar..
What news can be greater than this? Thank you, Mazui, as always.
well.. i think this joint is "fk yeah"!
Follow Mazui if you've watched Eclipse for S1 :)
That might've been me you're referencing too '^^
I asked a few weeks ago why they weren't doing Index II. And, yeah, I'm happy they adopted the project xD
Unless you're a turbo nerd.
Biribiri > Sparky
Shocker's a type of fingering.
I can understand all the hype if it was some common nickname, but this is a one-of-a-kind between Misaka and Touma here.
And besides all that, hasn't he stopped calling her that since losing his memory in Ep 6 of the first season (and Railgun Ep 19)? Is this really even an issue to begin with?
I am kinda curious, though, what name they plan to use in the dub. Biribiri or Sparky?
Sparky IS a dog name. Which is why it's so damn funny and perfect. It relays his intention of making fun of her and retains the electrical reference.
Sparky would be better suited to a guy that is a friend of Touma and is an idiot.
Thus, it would be strongly insulting of Touma to call her that way and express disdain, if not loathing. That's certainly not the case in the "To Aru" world.
Yes! yes! yes!
People here hating translations of nicknames should avoir HorribleSubs. Kamisama = Divine One.
I hate to say it but why watch HS for that show when Chihiro does it? Plus that's not Kana Hanazawa, it's someone else called Nao Toyama. Hanazawa plays the girl after Kanon.
Also @Shadow's comment: I think he still calls her that even after all that, like in the Sister's Arc and the Railgun OVA.
I checked in the sister arc as well and the only time Biribiri (aka 'Shocker' from Eclipse) came up was in Touma's recap narrative intro in the beginning of Eps 11 and 12 (script + F3 ftw ;)).
So granted, with that, it gives some relevance to the discussion after all, although if he uses it only in recap narration in the beginning, it's not going to impact the feel of the show no matter what she's called, like it would if it was used in the actual story part of the episodes (and even then, it takes less than a minute to extract, modify script, and remux if it grates you - MKVmerge & MKVExtractGUI-2)
I said this on UTWs site a while back and I'll say it again here, call her what you want, I personally am just glad you guys are subbing this show. =)
And I stick to Chihiro for this. Even if their soft subs are kind of hard, it's better than "Divine One".
Wow, such rage on Biribiri/Sparky/Shocker...
As far as "Sparky" being a "dog's name"... it's not /solely/ a dog's name, never was. That's just silly, it's been a nickname for people since *long* before that.
I agree that "Biribiri" is a bit lazy as it doesn't it's neither translating the Japanese or capturing the sentiment of Touma's pet name for Misaka into English. While "Sparky" or Shaocker" are not literal translations, they do capture the spirit of the pet name while providing an English word that's actually meaningful to English speakers.
So your saying at the end all those names are dog names? This is like Chobits..
First, as far as I know, its an onomatopoeia, so there is no real translation for it. Since there is no real translation, it shouldn't be translated.
Secondly, WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY TRANSLATE A CHARACTER NAME. Even if it is a nickname. They don't translate Kuroko to black kid, now do they? Although Kuroko might be written with other kanjis or just hiragana, I didn't check cause it doesn't matter, the point is the same.
Because Biribiri doesn't impart the meaning behind the word to an English speaking audience the same way Shocker or Sparky or whatever they are using in this edit does. It's an accurate nickname but slightly derogatory. Just saying Biribiri doesn't really convey that.
Nicknames are different from real names because your given your name at birth with no real meaning behind it. Nicknames are given or earned for specific reasons and as such have specific meanings behind them. Kuroko isn't a black kid. She wasn't named black kid because shes black or because she will always be a kid.
Misaki's called Biribiri because of the power she has. Theres meaning behind it and the name should convey that meaning.
Also, just a TL note for biribiri might clear things up, but seeing how misaka always gets angry when called biribiri, I don't think there is any need to clarify it's derogatory meaning.
Your other point, I was talking about realistic names like our own names. I'm sure you have a real name like Bob or Joe or Rumplebut that has absolutely nothing to do with your personality. When creating a character who starts at age X and has Y traits it's easy to set a name to match the personality. I was going for a more real life view of name vs nickname.
i was juz wondering where could i get index2 when gg dropped it with UTW...
I vote Biribiri, since it suits my waifu better that "Shocker"....
Terrible idea, for two reasons.
1) TL notes/footnotes are an extra thing to read on the screen and are distracting.
2) I'm sure we've all had the experience of being told a joke where we didn't get why it was funny; then the joke teller would have to explain why the joke is funny, and the joke ends up not being funny at all. tl;dr jokes/wordplay are ruined when they have to be explained.
> Half assed translations are for lazy viewers who don't want to learn anything
This reeks of weaboo to me. "Oh my weaboo dick has been stroked because I learned a new 'term' and I love it!" It's not about being lazy. Don't you realize it's actually more work _on part_ of the translator? The aim of translation is to convey the same viewing experience while jumping language barriers. Leaving it as "Biribiri" or providing footnotes to explain something is half-assed because clearly no attempt has even been made to _translate_.
And unless you're deaf and have been living under a rock for the last two years, you can most certainly hear Biribiri in the audio. And none of that "audio doesn't match the subs" crap. The sub groups might as well just transcribe the audio in romaji for you then.
As for you people bitching about Sparky being derogatory in the wrong way, please be so kind as to pull your head out of your ass. I've never seen a better rendition of the term, and even if it's derogatory in a somewhat wrong way, at least it's meaningfully derogatory in _the target language_. You weaboos would be surprised how much "localization" goes on at higher levels of translation simply to cross the language barrier in an effective way. And while we're at it, don't we call our dogs Sparky _because_ it's _cute_? What's wrong with using a nickname for Misaka that's a legitimate translation, aptly derogatory, _and_ cute, just as Touma had intended when christening her Biribiri?
Admit it, you all just get a kick out of being able to recognize a term in a language you don't speak. Grow up, people.
Personally, I opt for "biribiri", and a footnote explaining what it means. It just fits better for me, and guess what, we are watching a video here on my computer that I can pause at any time. I always pause to read footnotes, and read any T/L notes in the end, because you get to understand the way it was meant to be.
There is a difference between translation and interpretation. I personally prefer the former because it does not change what the original work was trying to convey.
Again, personal opinion. I would prefer to speak Japanese perfectly, but I just have not had a change to get into classes seriously.
Anyway, either way Mazui/UTW wants to do it is fine for me. I enjoy it either way, and want to thank them both for bringing it to us :) I've seen work from both groups, and both are simply great, so I'm sure this joint work will be excellent. Thanks again.
I may have been somewhat harsh in my last post, but my point still stands: there is no advantage to using Biribiri other than to tickle weaboo fancies. To have to use footnotes to supplement the usage of a term is but an indication of how inefficient the term is.
Personally I prefer Biribiri because the name grew on me. No rationale needed.
Biri = last, bottom
I totally agree with you. I couldn't have said it any better myself.
on my personal note. shocker was a a perfect display of what NOT to translate it to. Touma uses biribiri in a "cute" sense. to make fun of misaka but with added affection. He is not looking down on her just insulting her on a friendly level. and I think sparky captures that sentimentality perfectly. I support biriri and sparky as both valid nicknames for Misaka. People should just learn to accept Sparky as it was a perfect attempt to capture that sentimentality. whether it captures it or not is based on the individual reader and what their personal views are.
another note!
I completely support the merger! The ONLY concern I have is to what Touma's trademark slogan will be translated to..UTW's attempt didn't quite suit the irony of the statement/Phrase and I hope this merger would be more towards the Eclipse translation of the statement. "Such Misfortune" instead of "How Unlucky" I would even be happy with "What Misfortune"
Ok, how about we all come together and compromise. Ppl who like Biribiri like it because it's an uncommon nickname and when heard, no matter what setting it's in, they will ALWAYS imagine Misaka Mikoto and no one else.
Japanese electrical repairmen:
"Holy... did you just hear that transformer blow up? It was all like, biribiri everywhere!"
"Hmmmm, wonder if Kuroko teleported her away cause I don't see Biribiri around here..."
Now on the other hand, others prefer Sparky. Hands down it would be the most suitable nickname in a dub version and most closely resembles what biribiri means. Sorta of like if ppl nicknamed a kid Gerogero in Japan, english speakers would prob call him 'Froggy'.
So lets combine the two terms and end this debate once and for all:
Now we can get the cool original feel of birbiri combined with the cool english nickname without ANY possible reference to a pet dog!
I rest my case!
Of course there wasn't, they were completely different series duh. Mazui can do what they want with Railgun and call her Zappy McZapperton for all I care. This is Index, not Railgun. While Biribiri may have been passable to use in Railgun, it's categorically out of place to have it subbed that way in Index plain and simple.
Obviously you must be incapable of parsing the English language and supremely stupid for you to come to such a asinine conclusion.... "Sparky" has been a nick name for people since at least the 1800s.
Seriously, you don't have to agree with me (even though I'm obviously correct), but when you you start making stupid arguments and misrepresenting what I say I'm going to treat you like the inbred cockstain you are.
@Master Shadow:
Try using a different example next time... "Raccoon dog" is the appropriate English term for Tanuki... not a "half-assed translation" (which is what /not/ translating it would be).
That was extremely well put.
Pretty much agreed.
Actually, all translation requires an amount of interpretation because languages don't always have a 1-to-1 equivalent for words and expressions. Which is why most fansubbers almost never translate puns literally (the funny gets lost that way). I'm notopposed to footnotes, bust the main dialog should be translated with the English-speaker in mind and leave the footnotes for the anal.
@wooooooo: Quit it, we're trying to have a flamewar here.
You win the thread.
Now shut up and get over it. Also,UTW said they'd throw some V2's for 1-5 in a batch later on.
Take that leprous stub you so failingly call a dick and fuck off--I was trolling here long before and am fucking here to stay. No go back to your mommy and cry like the worthless little dick-spittle you are, you weeaboo bitch dumpling.
a) Biribiri
b) Sparky
c) Shocker
d) Pikachu /* shudder */
e) Other (please specify) "
I vote for choice d, so whose with me?
As for the question that is being asked regarding Misaka Mikoto nickname, I would love to see the nickname non-translated, thus to remain as 'Biribiri', hence...
- a
Anyhow, I vote for a. I would have to say transliteration is the optimal choice here. Of course, there would have to be footnotes for those who doesn't get it. Sparky just does not do justice to the cuteness (and other things) the original conveys.
My choice is Biribiri of course.
I vote B. Sparky, at first I was WAAAAAAAAY against the idea and wanted it to be Biribiri, but the idea of calling her Sparky kinda grew on me and it just seems to fit.
I find more issue with translating the phrase "MISAKA Imouto" to "your sister" in several Touma/Mikoto convos that Eclipse did, but it seems the "purists" weren't annoyed by that at all.
Personally i still wait for Biribiri ep 1-5 Scripts.
@Anon: If it makes the weeaboos cry and wet their beds at night, I'm with you on choice "d".
@Leon-Gun: I have a reputation to uphold and I don't like smarmy dumbfucks and/or effetist weeaboo dipshits. :D
1) Take .ass file
2) Open it in Notepad++ or a text editor of your choice
3) Change Misaka's nickname into whatever most pleases you
4) Save
5) Stick .ass into the same folder as the MKV
6) Open MKV
7) Voila, Misaka is now called Biribiri/Sparky/Pikachu/BarkyBarky!
When Touma and Misaka Mikoto go to confront her for the first time, confusion sets in when he starts calling her "Kirakira" and Mikoto thinks he's talking to her. He later changes Mikoto's nickname to "Sparky," a nickname that Stiyl derived from his home language.
Later on when Stiyl gave Kirakira the nickname "Sparkly," the confusion resumed and Touma went back to calling Mikoto, "Biribiri."
Douchira houga ii?