Ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai 09
I drove for 6.5 hours straight, then did this ep for another 5 hours after that. Just so you could get your fix ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ
fotc had it easy, he just sat in a plane ;)
Massive, massive kudos to Moshi for stepping in for us and translating this while we were out so you could get it in a reasonable time.
Oreimo 9 and the XviD
We've done Hanazawa Kana before, but who cares!
Comments (196)
My week is now complete.
Thanks a lot for the release!!
Thank you!!!
I like to end my Sunday with Oreimo and now I CAN end my Sunday with Oreimo, it's all thanks to you guys!!!
J/K, of course. Great job as always, guys!
really am appreciate you guys' work and dedication.
if only my work was done like this...
also, it's hilarious to see her all outraged when an eroge character says exactly the sort of cruel things she's been saying to Kyouske.
That being said, I thought this ep was an improvement over the last few eps. Kirino is such an entertaining character when she isn't PMSing. Kuroneko was great too, a good sister.
great work on the subs keep it up =D
1. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
2. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
3. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
4. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
5. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
6. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
7. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
8. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
9. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
10. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto)
11. Kuroneko (Ore no Imouto-novel)
Bizounours says thanks !
Anybody else notice the coloring error at about 4:00?
Then I looked at it. And I must say, epic did-you-know.
Hanazawa Kana rocks ^^
Again, thank you for your hard work.
awesome, thanks mazui!!
Kuroneko onee-chan is way too awesome compared to Kirino, she is a definite win of this series. Omigod, I cant wait to see Saori and friends in maid outfits next week.
Thank you Mazui
ok im done
P.S.: thnx mazui again
Thanks Mazui!!~
Thanks Mazui!!!
ThX 4 teh subz :)
Kirino... uh...
and yes kuroneko is second only to manami.
Fucking epic! Can't wait to watch this episode. Moshi is t3h shit. m/ As always, Mazui delivers even in the most trial of times. lol You guys rock.
The angels are moving?
I don't know, maybe because it's a show about an otaku little sister?
But really, I hat Kirino right now. She has a really detestable personality.
Don't you mean Belphegor?
BTW: under normal circumstances then yes Belphegor would be the correct spelling. but as Kuroneko is referring to her anime instead of an actual occult ritual. High probablity Belvegolle is the actual name of that deity in her anime.
I personally prefer Belvegolle since the L's are pronounced.
Didn't know you could do what I think she did just by repeating a voice clip....
It may sound strange,but I'm glad they shortened the anime and kept their focus on Kirino/Kyosuke,because frankly,the novel pages i read had so much drama i grew tired of reading it.Once again haters,try to remember she is a tsundere because you are just repeating yourselves...
Shana (Shakugan no Shana) is a tsundere, But in the end we (generally) like her. Taiga (ToraDora) is a tsundere and, again, we (generally) like her. Louise (Zero no Tsukaima) is a tsundere, But in the end we (generally) occasionally like her.
Kirino isn't so much a tsundere as she is a total, contemptible bitch. The other tsundere characters typically have a likable side... Kirino is seriously lacking in that department. It's difficult to empathize with a Mary Sue with a rotten personality.
So her weird eye-color turned out to be contact lenses, right? I like her better with them!
That said, they STILL show appreciation when people help them out or do nice things for them. Kirino on the other hand hasn't acknowledged what Kyousuke has done for her. Add that to how easily she was able to shun her otaku friends when she ran into Ayase or how horribly she treats her brother in general and you have a character who warrants a ton of hatred.
Kirino is a Pervert. Her face clearly show that and that lip licking.
While Kuroneko is kind and caring to her little sister.
This episode, Kuroneko is a winner.
Still, why the anime hasn't reveal Kuroneko real name yet. There were so many phone conversation, group meeting, home anime screening. But Kuroneko real name?
I think "I am the fallen angel, Kuroneko." is MUCH stronger reference to Angel Beats! since she and Kanade have the SAME seiyuu, but yeah... it's reference to AB!.
I hope author has(or rather "had" because novels are much more advanced I suppose) a reason for making us thinking that any girl has nice/cute/caring side if she's not Kirino.
On another important matter... KyÅsuke!!! Switch to Saori Route!!! NOW!!!
Never knew such a custom existed x_x
Also: Kuroneko!~~~
I already saw this but forgot to thank, Love you guys.
I believe, however, that just like the character in her game, we will eventually see more of her backstory and motivations, and perhaps (if there's time left in the series) even see more of her "dere" side.
My guess is that, long ago, Kyouske (unintentionally?) betrayed her, or just wasn't there for her when she needed it. Relations between them soured, and they hardly spoke for many years. She grew to hate him, and got in the habit of thinking the worst of him and verbally attacking him, so she wouldn't be hurt again.
She has started to trust him more, but is embarrassed by that sort of honest heart-to-heart, and conceals her embarrassment with cruel words.
She knows that this shouldn't continue as it has, and has decided to explain it all and set things straight in the final "life counseling" session. Perhaps she knows that revealing whatever she intends to will change things between them, and doesn't think they will be able to continue such sessions once the truth is revealed.
and well its seems pretty obvious thats how things will go-ish, not word for word but the idea is spot on probably.
and i pray ( which will never happen) that kirino gets hit by a bus and we all cry.
The "100% tsun, 0% dere" thing is looking too deep into it for Kirino, I prefer to think of her as just a bitch.
Not that I care but how are they going to develop her in 3 episodes?
I don't know if I'd classify her as a bitch, more that she acts out this type of character with her brother who has learned to accept it and plays along, thankful that his little sister is finally paying attention to him after years of being ignored. It's all an act and Kyousuke sees it for what it is; she gives him a hard time because she likes him, otherwise she'd ignore him.
Honestly though, it doesn't matter to me as all I care about is Manami-chan!
But Kuroneko fans is gigantic as well. at least one of Mazui staff is among them i think.
Well i get that impression by looking how 10 Kuroneko picture are posted here.
That's my take, anyway.
Cool stuff
in the novel even at volume 6 they still havent done anything (i believe we're on volume 3 or so in the anime)
[ spoiler] [ /spoiler]
(without the space)
For example, ppl can mouse over to see it. :)
Ruri/Kuroneko won, in the seventh novel. Don't believe me, look it up.
If that's the case, it'll be fun to watch all the subtle hints that lead to that. Makes me sad for Manami, though, as they seem to be kindred spirits. But if it had to be someone else, I'm glad it was Ruri.
[ spoiler]Right, if it is not Manami, it has to be someone else, not Kirino. I consider her as the worst kind of tsundere ever.[ /spoiler]
Cero and shiftynou adequately sum up my opinion on that matter.
*sigh* Perhaps if you weren't a cum-drizzling social leper and an intellectual midget you'd realize that some of us /have/ considered those "dere" moments and find them either non-compelling or insignificant compared to her otherwise wretched douchebaggey. Perhaps she'll eventually evidence something in future episodes that may illicit sympathy from us, but hither to now she's just been a contemptible cunt.
I'm inclined to agree with your take.
she's not really a bitch you know >.> she has a soft side, you just apparently are too noobish to notice it, id give you an example but your stupidity would probably block out simple logic (read volume 7 of the light novel and you'll understand what i mean)
last anonymous,I agree,people need to read more,before they shoot their mouth off anyway.
big words? which one? cunt?
Seriously wtf is up. No one goes to school anymore?
Also. Azzy is right.
If only you had a modicum of reading comprehension you'd realize in my prior post that (as anon9 pointed out) that I have considered the softer side of Sears... and found it lacking. Like I said, at some point in the future she may warrant some sympathy, but as it stands I feel she's quite undeserving.
@what a cunt:
Big words? Get an education, you ignorant fucktard. Some of us do have a diverse vocabulary that we employ regularly... You think I'm trying to impress weeaboo cockblisters like you? Get the fuck over yourself.
And, yes, I'm a prick--but if you actually take time out to read my posts and those I a respond to unfavorably you'll notice it's only to those that actually deserve it.
So go do us all a favor and do what your parents failed to do—abort yourself.
Thanks for the link, I'll probably check it out after the anime's done (want to have a few surprises).
Maybe it was "douchebaggey" that tripped him up. :D
Successful troll is successful in its quest for lulz.Now go back to 4chan and quit being an ass
@Azzy the way you use another name(@ano)to comment in your favour is pathetic,get over yourself
@all of you-now stop this drama garbage and get back to the anime talk.
Thank you, Mazui.
Is that the best you can do? Accuse me of posting under different names... I'm an executive troll (apologies to Mr. Izzard). I I troll just as well (if not better) with just the one screen name... otherwise I would be diluting my sales with redundant product branding. Better to keep the vitriol all under one roof to promote greater face recognition and enhanced lulz. Of course you won't believe any of that, but I don't care--you're just a hypocritical chickenshit asshat that tells others to "stop this drama" while committing drama yourself. Kudos, seriously, what a nice touch. You made this site so much classier, you fucking pedophile.
@Immense Faggot:
Can you translate "HNNNNNGGGG" into five different languages.
I liked this different view on Ruri/Saori. I always like it when shows show a bit more of characters than expected.
As always, thankee Mazui.
thank you. The fact that I'm mistaken for other people and that other people are mistaken for me... makes the world seem less lonely.
Hugs and kisses.
Mazui already subbed haruhi movie (camprip version) so my guess is very likely they'll do BDrip when it's out.
PS. Kuroneko & Kana Hanazawa FTW
Le HNNNNNGGGG, ヒンンンッグ.
Two's the best I can do.
Order of importance
Ruri > Manami = Ayase > Saori > Kirino
need moar manami and ruri :D
Thanks for the subs and all the hard work! You guys rock!
But really, I love her voice. I want to kiss her voice.