Katanagatari 12
It's hard to believe it's been a year since we started this project. And in Katanagatari-worth irony, I am ending this project the same way I started it - sleep deprived and exhausted.
Behold the finale to a year of labor: Katanagatari 12
This has been one of the hardest but satisfying projects Mazui has ever done. Personally I'm shocked at how much I've learned in the year I've been working on it. I'm sure the rest of the staff also share the same satisfaction I do in bringing it to completion.
Given that this took a year, pretty much everyone touched the project at some point or other, but here are the main cast who slaved away to bring you this epic.
Norgus (Translation): Disappeared to Japan halfway through the year, but still helped out when he could, and came back for the final episode
fotc (Translation): I only worked on OP2, a few EDs, and this last episode. Wish I could have done more, but oh well. Hope you enjoyed the show.
jama (Timing, TS): I did the math and I've spent about 3 days of time working on katana o_O
Mreweilk (Encoding): This is the guy you thank for your amazing (and sometimes huge) video quality. Without him our releases would be all share raws.
Ulrezaj (TL, Editor, Website, Everything Else): Leading this group through this project has been both challenging and stressful, but I'd do it all over again if I had to. It was a great anime to work on.
Thanks also to the backend workers - M-V, Zir0h, Roughy for their bots, TGEN for the tracker, and all the people who I bugged in emergencies when we couldn't get regular staff in time - Kusion, __ar, Moshiburner, Seki, and I'm sure others I'm missing but it's 6:30am and I'm a little groggy.
And last but not least, thanks to Nishio Ishin and White Fox for giving us an epic anime. If you enjoyed this project as much as I did, please support them in whatever way you can. We refuse donations so that you can help out the industry and keep it afloat so we continue to get amazing shows like this.
Well, that's a wrap, folks. See you tomorrow!
-Ulrezaj out
Comments (291)
Thanks a lot!
Thank you Mazui! ^^.
Thank you Mazui for doing such a great job. It's been a wonderful ride. No words can describe my gratitude. Thank you so much. m(_ _)m
Hope you can take it easy and recuperate the rest of your weekend =)
A most excellent achievement, one surely and hopefully (although debateably; inevitably) will be widely recognised as it so deserves.
best thing to wake up to on your birthday!
thank you for all of your hard work!
Now that it's over, what else am I mean to look forward to every month? :'[
You're awesome :D
this unworthy leech is always greatful
for your yearly supply of oishee anime bento!
But indeed, Katanagatari is a really great show, although some people I know refuse to watch it apparently, the artwork sucks. =.=
It has been a really great show. I'd like to thank everyone in mazuisubs who worked in this project to bring it to us fast and high quality. Thank you! *kneels and bows*
But Hiteihime is not even as nearly cute as Togame.
Best anime this year!
Thanks for the hard work all year round everyone.
@Darren: I'd hope they'll do the Sabi fight as a DVD/BD extra, OVA or something.
@Mazui: not quite a year, the first release was on Jan 26 - more like 10 and a half months ;)
well new season is close i hope mazui will pick another breath taking anime to subs
thank you very much
I personally will support this great show and once again. Awesome work Nishio Ishin, White Fox and excellent work to all Mazui staff.
seeing how the dialogs non-stop every eps, i can understand how much effort needed for subbing this
again, thx :)
GeRo~ GeRo~ (^_^)~
I cross my fingers for a "not too sad" ending.
Thank you again Mazui for your fansub of this fabulous anime !
I started this anime about halfway through Oreimo, late, but I still watched it. I was blown away by the scale, attention to detail, story, and liveliness of the characters. Then I remembered, only Mazui could help us understand them like this, hear them like this, see them like this.
So thank you Mazui. I want to thank you for your work on Katanagatari, Oreimo, To aru M&R, and all your hard work which you will undoubtedly put into your releases going into the future.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Love you Mazui.
Thank You!
No wait, you already were :
Thanks again.
Thanks again,
thx for all the great work on this series
You rock.
You all really deserve a hell of a lot of thanks. A very big thank you for keeping consistent quality even though you are a speedsub group.
Thanks for your hard work.
I really hope they put out all the music from the show at some point.
Just, wow. Left my mind in awe.
Epic fansub...
Thx mazui ~
Thanks in advance for the help!
now what do i think about this anime, well .. This anime's graphics are true feast for the eyes, it's story a satisfactory for some who enjoys a good story like my self, and your translation was honestly outstanding, so i give you you all my thanks and gratitude, and i hope to see more great work from in the future.
Thank you once more Mazui! I look forward to more excellent subs
thank you so much for subbing this Mazui! you guys are awesome!
I will never be able to thank you enough for your beautiful work!
You did an superb job and is such a short time! THANK YOU, YOU ARE EPIC.
Epic show, epic group, and I had an epic time. Tremendous amounts of thanks to you!
The waiting for next month's issue is really going to be long and hard...
This has an typically inscrutable Asian ending, however, I think it can be summed up as humans fight over petty things up and then they die. You can't change everything to go your way. Accept the fact and change what you can. Get over it. Life and death goes on everyday. Live yours the best you can today.
Now to be a spoil sport, but the fonts and colors seem messed up. The soft sub fonts are too light to see in the beginning large kanji flourishes. Also throughout the episode rectangular boxes were appearing where punctuation marks should be.
Thank you, you've done some great work here. Now, go get your trumpets blown--you deserve it. :)
I agree.
Can we get that image in wallpaper size? 'Tis nice.
Honestly i was brought to expect only the best from Mazui (your fault guys): in terms of dedication and quality picking on the animes, you prolly are unparalleled as for now. Really, thanks again for so much time of your lives spent for us to enjoy. Congrats.
I hope you guys work on whatever they make of Nisio Isin's pieces into an anime, if there is to be another piece. Great story teller.
But the ending of this story sucks badly
not your fault thou
Really superb show that concluded on a bitter sweet note. I liked the ending and loved how the fights were executed in this last episode. But that's all I'm going to say.
nice year end-er. i hope bakemonogatari continued
P.S. Would you happen to know where one could find the Japanese Closed Caption/Subtitles for this show? The provider I used to get them from shut down recently.
Anyways, thanks and love to you guys. Perhaps, they should put "tragedy" in the series' genre/category.
This show was definitely something special.
Epic show, epic ending.
Thanks again.
I didn't really like the first couple episodes but I'm glad I gave this show a chance. Definitely worth watching. There's a couple parts that made me laugh when Shichika is climbing the Shogun's Tower and that kinda ruined the epicness...
Hiteihime = Sekushiiiiiiii
I can't thank you guys enough for the blood, sweat, and tears put into this epic. I was thrown by this episode like many of us were, but I still can't stop loving the series. I might have to pursue the light novels in the near future.
This definitely ranks among my all-time favorite animes now. I am also glad that they actually showed the fight scenes in this episode.
I cant say for certain but thus
this one time i will tell you clearly what i think shikka and this anime isnt over yet.
assuming every how do you feel about talking with them and getting them to become our shields to this new world,
mazui -
Thank you very much. Cheerio!
thanks Mazui, and enjoy your holiday, you deserved it..
And Seitou Hakari, best defeat ever :D
You guys always have a good anime lining up :') Thanks for your hard work. You deserve some rest... Rest well :)
I can't believe it's been one year since it started either. Bizounours says thanks for your hard work.
(ノ°-°)ノ ~â”»â”â”» Douzo KukkÄ«
Shichika: What are nukes?
Hitei-Hime: He said it is as bright as the sun.
Shichika: oooh, i want to face a swordsman who wields a weapon like that.
Hitei-Hime:However, by that point you might been vaporized into pieces.
Shichika:Hey that my line?! wait, vaporized?
Hitei-Hime:LITTLE BOY!
This ending is so ironic as hell. "Enemy yesterday is a friend today? I going to die but still living? I losing my lover yet ending other?"
"Mazui" mean "Horrible", and ironically this two names come out as FANSUB... And ironically, i love both.
Who cares? Bye, katanagatari. Hope an OVA comes out!
P/S : dualinline -----> lol
I really want to figure out what you're saying, but I can't.
Sorry for double post
In my opinion this can't be called irony.
It is for example ironic if someone who was cured of cancer dies in a car accident because he can't change his fate.
In the case of Shichika and Hiteihime it is just foolishness of those characters.
I can't think of anybody who would travel together with the one who killed someones lover.
But the ending of this story really sucks
I can accept Togames fate, but for Shichika traveling with the one who ordered the death of his lover just isn't plausible all irony aside
> Windows X
In my opinion this can't be called irony.
It is for example ironic if someone who was cured of cancer dies in a car accident because he can't change his fate.
In the case of Shichika and Hiteihime it is just foolishness of those characters.
I can't think of anybody who would travel together with the one who killed someones lover.
His question is for confirming that Togame isn't the only one who think of her rival as someone dear.
because of losing her father. The altering the history part is clearly the part of the villain of Hiteihime.
my preferred ending would have been, that shichika died in the top room, after killing Emonzaemon and telling Hiteihime that Emonzaemon loved her. this would make the killing of the Shogun,who brought peace to Japan fail and make Hiteihime realize that she lost a some precious persons and her love just to achieve an arrogant goal.
It been a pleasure to follow you.
And in conclusion...
Cheerio indeed.
Hitei also prolly saw that she would end up with Shichika herself?
Thank you guys so much for being the best subbing group around =)
A sincere thank you for what can only be a labour of love, and for sharing this wonderful anime.
Wonderful work Mazui
Emonzaemon was a very skilled and precise ninja, and knew exactly how much damage he had to do to make her recovery impossible. Togame had basically zero combat ability, and they were taken completely by surprise, with no chance to either dodge or for Shichika to deflect the bullets, or anything like that.
For these reasons, it is unreasonable to expect Togame could have been healed.
In Shichika's case, he barely took a scratch before fighting Emonzaemon, and while he took a multitude of wounds, was moving and dodging at high speed and managed to avoid any hits to critical areas. Through his training, and perhaps due to some inherent Koutouryuu strength, his body was much more resilient than Togame's(who states that she'll die from the slightest scratch), and likely more resilient than that of any other character we've seen bar his sister. When he gets to the top of the tower, he says he doesn't think he has the energy to finish off more than one enemy, and assumedly falls unconscious after killing the Shogun.
Hiteihime then may have immediately brought him to a doctor (impressed by his determination, and perhaps wishing to *deny* his ambition to die), where his wounds were bound and he managed to survive.
As to why they're together, they have both lost everyone that mattered to them. Togame didn't bear any grudge against Hiteihime, so neither did Shichika, especially since he recognized she was the closest thing Togame had to a friend. As for Hiteihime, she is intrigued by Shichika just as she was by Emonzaemon, and like a contrary child wants to follow him precisely because he told her not to.
Now then, did anyone else have some minor audio issues with Katanagatari 12? My audio cuts out briefly during some of the placard shots.
No, I didn't notice anything of the sort.
Rows of pics for each release also makes things hard to find. Well if it's not done yet, I guess things could be better.
Fuck you Nishio Isshin your too good at what you do
BTW, thanks for subbing it, if someone ask me about a memory of 2010, surely I'll say "Katanagatari kicks ass....love Mazui subs"
Good bye to another good anime, great artwork, and epic character...and everyone else who isn't Nanami.
Mazui you have more than done justice to this anime in your subbing, and I thank you once again.
The new design is really really nice!
It's true, however, that if the author had wanted to, he could have invented something that would have saved her, or even raised her from the dead.
However, my point was only that the story, within the world of Katanagatari, is not implausible.
From a narrative point of view, I suppose NishiOishiN wanted to give the story maximum emotional impact, give Shichika a powerful motive to go on the attack, and reinforce the theme of crushed and pointless ambitions.
btw im useing chrome and i haz no problemo :D
I love you guys aarrrghhhhhhh
Also, I felt you guys had a good sense of when to use the Japanese word and when to find an English term for various things in the show, which is more muzukasii than it sounds until you mikke a fansub group that wakaranai when and when not to translate a term from nihongo. ("all according to keikaku")
Lastly, whoever's idea it was to translate the last line of the 2nd OP as "Dost thou lament the flowers' bloom?", nice little touch!
Great subbing, good anime!
Happy Christmas all!!!
This is truly my favorite anime of the year
You did a great job subbing it guys
I look forward for other awesome series like this on that site
Happy new year