Katanagatari 04
That switch to a Friday airing really screwed up our schedule...
With the timezone differences and the weekend, this ended up taking a good 24 hours longer than I would have liked. But oh well, it happens. Here's your fix.
Katanagatari episode 4
And sorry it's late but here's the XviD.
And since it seems appropriate for today's episode:
Comments (135)
Because it was this way in books.
and many thanks!
Nagisa = Rena
yes that Higurashi Rena.
been waiting for this!! ^^
always the TOP
This ep sucked ass.
Ep 3's preview really got me all pumped up.
Thanks Mazui!
I'm not sure which is best; topic post or newest post ...anyway:
With all three episodes, of "Angel Beats!", I get a QuickTime Alert:
*** -[NSCFString characterAtIndex:]: Range or index out of bounds
I don't have this problem, with any other Mazui releases, including episode 04, of "Katanagatari" -just the mkv "Angel Beats!"
I still have the files and screen shots, with alert, if curious...
Bizounours says thaaanks.
Also, Sabihakuhei is not a single word (next ep. preview) ;-)
By the way, excellent release as always. You guys constantly prove that a Fast and Accurate fansub release is possible.
Anime version sticks very close to novel's narrative and that's why it features what it does. The whole battle in the last episode preview reel was scripted and storyboarded separately. There will be no other version or extra.
Thank you for being awesome and doing this show. Every month I get an itchy feeling craving for more. ^^
ps - First post on here, but I've been following your releases since Railgun and you guys truly are incredible. Thank you so very much for being amazing :].
Big thanks for the release and your work on this great project. Best anime of the season imho. :-)
Side note: 14:32 - "bought" = "brought" I believe. Not that it matters much, since I'm sure most would interpret that sentence properly anyways.
Anyways, thank you very much for the sub, encoding, uploading etc. Really appreciate the effort :-)
Just wish that the battle would've been there, was really looking forward 2 it :'(
seriously, that "skip the fight" thing was just sadistic.
I guess one episode can't have naked Togame AND an awesome fight.
That girl kicks ass!
"...position of strongest swordsman is but
a provisional one." Showing Nee-Chan is.
However... I STILL WANTED TO SEE THE SABI FIGHT!!! Oh well, pray for future movie arc.
"seriously, that "skip the fight" thing was just sadistic."
I think it's just as sadistic as Nanami! If I didn't know any better, SHE'S THE ONE TO BLAME!!! *runz*
Honestly, I think she's gonna be the final boss, now that she has a way to get off the island and be exposed to a large amount of techniques and knowledge. *shudders at the thought*
They even changed the ED son to match the amazingly grim feeling that has pervaded most of the episode.
and about the sabi fight, since they started the storyboard, do you think they'd finish it sometime next month? at least the fight, for the fans? It looked way to epic to keep the details hidden forever... (looking back at the preview, it looks alot like an Inuyasha fight...>_>..o.o;..
When I saw this I still thought I watched the wrong episode. I was like, where's the fight between Shichika and Sabi?! Disappointed :( Hakutou hari seemed so cool in Episode 3's preview.
the only thing i don't like in this episode is nanami's personality (like having no pity or major blood lust for her enemies)...but she sure kicks ass ooh yeh! ^^
How can he planed to surprise who didn't read his works,like this?
Let us see how Sabi fights in Ep2&3 ,finally lure us with preview and in the end ........
Nisio Isin's really something.
Seems unlikely it was just a troll.
To be exact, nanami isn't the final boss, but she sure is one of the deviant blades' owner. The tanto, if i remember the novel correctly.
I cant believe people are still not miffed considering the preview lied to us. They shouldnt of done the preview just the conversation. This anime slowly become a waste of my time unless someone can actually convince me to watch it when its had boring episodes with minimal fights, which is fine but scenes are boring the dialog is well written but delievers lacking humour and just goes on and one.
The fact is the idea was funny not to show a fight but what is my problem is that they did then dont show you it. And as I said unless someone can really convince me i aint watching this the fight with the sister was slow and boring as well.
All the faggots that keep crying about the "skipped fight" are being fucking retarded. You've been trolled. Instead of dropping this amazing animu, you should be wiping that jizz from your faces because Nisiosin and the animation team for Katanagatari just fucked you guys in the face. Learn to like it. Take it like a castrated man and just walk away.
Bakemonogatari > Katanagatari.
My vulgarity is necessary in opening the eyes of the blind.
Man, that whole conversation describing the fight was just plain sadistic. lol.
ROFL. As someone said before, pure genius.
The problem is not the concept of them having a conversation about the fight which would be funny but the problem is they did a preview so they tricked you. And you seem to forget that this is the anime they auther wont be invovled in it the animation director is so he is the dick.
Shut up calling people faggot you punk.
This anime is that great man I seen better bakemonogatari is incredible but this isnt so stop sayin stuff that isnt true.
I not sure myself about following this either because it just doesnt seem that interesting and dont like the style at all.
Again this joke they did just fell off the mark for me and wasnt funny and I dont see how its good to be made like a fool by something which is only getting success from fans, so fans should have at least treated with some respect.
Again most peoples problems isnt the conversation you idiot/moron/clown its that they did a preview. Without the preview this would of been funny.
You must be the type to do pranks which humilate or hurt someone and find it funny.
if the fans love it, so should u, if u HATE IT, then u don't know why you're even watching the anime i suppose. for an anime that's full of surprises and comedy, you should expect it to surprises you in some way. they got you guys with a MAJOR TROLL there, and you're not even thanking them! man....
do u think they really have to respect u? -.- or better yet, do you think they will listen to you? NO. these are anime, the fans love it, the tv station broadcast it, the people waits for another, the animation team produce it, they surprised you, you were like WTFH! and to the just-watching-because-friends-says-interesting OR just-watching-because-i-heard-good-feedback can **** ***!!!
poor people...sad... ;|
Nanami will become immortal and ascend.
This is the one that made me love this serie. Now if you're 14 and must absolutely see your missing fight, go back to Naruto... (by the way didn't we just see a very nice application of sharingan ? ;-D)
You know, first episode was like "Wow".
Second has came with "Coool" and a little moe.
Third was all about moral and kindness, which could not be broken by the swordsblabla, but I still like it.
The fourth..emm..is totally ROFL and LOLWUT in the end :( Spiced with a huge crawls on your back, when you see that smile of her.
What'll we see in the next? Any ideas?
i hope it will be the fight between Shichi and Sabi
P.S. I think it's a good kind of rick-rolling though. Nisio rick-rolled us, and so did the animators. And I was able to laugh at myself. Unlike endless eight. D:
If you pay attention, you know they skip the "super awesome" fight for a fucking reason; and that is to fool you idiots. And there is a very famous day in April for that reason.
Why do you care if they are going to make your "Super awesome" fight or not? If they are going to make it, they will; if not, then DUH. Your thoughts are trivial.
Back to the episode, Nanami scares me shitless, yet I still love her.
You, sir, are right in all 11 dimensions known to humanity (and in 3 more undiscovered).
(But, you know, battle was really cool. I watched it in my imagination two hundred times, and no animator could make that epic FX :))
my image of nanami has been soiled!! (sob)
nanami is a BAMF now. how is that a soiling image? or is it that you soiled your jeans from sheer pleasure? ;D
Someone did... That's my dick in your mouth. Stop talking, keep sucking. XD
You're an ignorant douche. It's called bait and switch, and was done for the lulz. The reason why most other people aren't as butthurt as you is because it's fucking funny.
Nobody's being made to look like fools (except for those of you that are already fools). If you really were a fan of the author, perhaps you'd understand that this is in keeping with his sense of humor.
@Everybody wanting to watch some uber-fight:
Go watch DBZ, Naruto or other shit like that. This cartoon is about the story and the lulz. Accept it or GTFO.
I'd tap that psycho girl.
Lmao @ Samdidliambo
lolwut @ PapaGeorgio
One thing I've been wondering about: was the } before the kanji lyrics during the opening intentional? Episode 3 had it too.
"They've been building up to this epic fight between Shichika and Hakuhei and all we see of it is the smoking wreck of an island in the background and Shichika and Togame talking about how great the fight was."
However, I feel quite the opposite about this.
Don't get me wrong, this was a good episode but to have all this build-up about Sabi Hakuhei, not to mention ONLY FOUR EPISODES INTO THE SERIES, only to not be able the events transpire is just poor writing IMO.
I enjoyed Nanami and all, as creepy as she turned out to be, but Hakuhei was made out to be probably the hardest challenge Shichika would inevitably face. Thus, I feel like we got cheated out of a potentially good fight.
Good character development for Nanami but poor writing overall. =/
They're gonna have to really pull something impressive with the remaining 8 swords to make up for this.
Actually, I have been paying attention. Very well, may I add. This is one of my favorite if not the favorite show for me currently.
Sabi being weaker than Nanami is irrelevant because everyone Shichika has faced thus far and will face for that matter will likely fit that bill. NOT TO MENTION WE'RE JUST NOW FINDING THIS OUT.
Also, I don't recall seeing anything of a let down with Bakemonogatari with the exception of the infamous episode 9 or 10 (I forget which one it was) due to the lack of staffing on the animation studio's part.
However, there was nothing really impressive about Nanami picking off 3 guys who didn't have a chance from the start.
Sabi, on the other hand, was made out to be "the man to beat". If Shichika and Togame were to have any trouble retrieving any of these 12 swords from their current owners, Sabi was made out to be the most difficult.
We were given previews of this pending fight between Shichika and Sabi following the rolling of the credits of episode 3.
Everyone was like "oh hell yeah!!"
Then the time for the episode to air finally comes and they just say "...but...you're not going to get to watch it. You're gonna learn about Nanami instead."
It was predictable the moment Amakiri mentions "I may not come back alive because this girl is of Kotouryuu blood."
Anyway, I've ranted enough. You get my point. I feel it's either a bad joke or bad writing that they've been hinting at this Shichika v. Sabi fight only to show us Nanami beat three Maniwa Corps members in a ONE-SIDED fight.
See? But again, unlike Bakemonogatari, we're not promised anything more than 12 episodes which equals the number of deviant swords that Togame and Shichika are trying to collect.
No webisodes or nothing. Our only hope is something along the lines of a bonus episode via, DVD/blu-ray or something.
the show is not over yet so dont be dissapointed
If they showed the fight, it would be an improper DBZ sequence, that we didn't had so far - glad for the joke, I loled hard when they started to describe how awesome the fight was, just to tease us ;)
The funniest part of the episode (paraphrased): "You know, when we get back from this mission, I'm getting married. Figured I'd take the plunge before something happens...."
"That's right I just quit smoking. Here hold on to these well share one when we're done..."
"...I think it's better if you stop."
As far as good or bad writing is concerned, anyone can "write" an epic battle... Just come up with some fancy sounding names for your skills, add some dialogue that includes some confident "You'll never beat me!" rhetoric, followed later by impressed reactions and acknowledgement of the opponent's strength: "Heh, you're pretty good". Throw in a few tense "you almost got me" moments, some environmental elements like boulders, trees, and buildings getting smashed by their awesome power and you've got a fight.
If you want, you can also bring the hero to the edge of defeat before allowing him to summon an even more awesome power allowing him to claim victory by putting "everything he has into this last shot". If there are bystanders, either have them comment from the sidelines about how much more amazing the fighters are than them OR have them become hostages or otherwise imperiled OR have the more heroic among them find a simple way to aid the hero againsta stronger enemy by showing the power of teamwork and that weak people make a difference too. A combination of the above is also possible.
Fights are easy, and they're a good way to waste time (ever wonder why DBZ, Naruto, etc are 500 episodes long?)
Good comedy is harder to pull off, especially subtle jokes that take a long time! It's also hard to convey something as terrifying as Nanami. She's cute, she's awesome, but holy crap is she scary! There's a reason why Shichika does whatever she says, and it's not just because she's smarter than him!
TL;DR: This show is awesome, and it's not because of the fights.
Frankly, saying all that so close together made me wonder how he lived to even meet her, and not just be struck dead by lightning on the spot, he was tempting fate so much.
But this is not the first time KG has trolled us with villains: the backwards-speaker was also made out to be a powerful and upcoming foe, only to be dead before ever meeting the heroes.
In a way, though, it is like Monty Python. The jokes are a LOT funnier if you're near someone who doesn't get them. And the sore crybabies to me, just makes it all the more hilarious.
TL;DR; I liked their use of anticlimax, and knowing your tropes helps you enjoy this series.
Because Nanami is more badass and stronger.
Quite the saddist aren't we? I suppose there are alot of dark character lovers out there. BUT I WANT NANAMI TO BE PURE!
Here here!
Nothing like Dango loving Nagisa at all >.