Angel Beats! 08
Yuri wins this episode for handling things Altaïr style baby!
No I'm not going to spoil. Go watch the episode.
Get episode 8 here. And the Xvid here.
Katanagatari notice: Due to the ts being fubar'd, the release will have to be delayed till tomorrow.
No one really got focus this time so I'll pick a random:
Comments (187)
PS: Keep up the awesome job Mazui! I was worried u'd work on katanagatari but Angel Beats! Is the star this year :P
I love you guys.Thx a lot
I would
After watching the episode I don't think I can handle any more plot twists. My head is bursting with the epicness of this anime!
Angel Beats! is no doubt the best anime in 2010! ^^b
"Get chance and luck"
Thanks Mazui!!! You all the bests..
Gero Gero~ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶
Thanks for the speedy release, Mazui. =D
thanks for the xvid version
each character is a rip off of something else, the did you knows only help prove my point
I'm going to go watch this anyways. Thanks
and avi file :
may my PC infected before it or ?
can someone check it for me, please !
Btw im fed up w/ those cliffhangers.
Wow, didn't expect that.
Ty for the release Mazui!
Good anime btw :)
By the way... I did notice something in the next episode preview... "Are you trying to undress me" !?!??!!?? damn...
I knew this should at least be a 24 episode thing!!
So here's my attention: Go fuck off and swallow my spooge, you dirty little whores.
I don't know who said, but I'll agree for this show being the best of 2010, at least so far anyways.
Yurippe wearing glasses and her fighting style is so flexible...I'll be damned.
Haha.. just begging to be trolled.. but then Angel Beats isn't really worth trolling anyone over. Still, great subs guys! Please don't forget Katanagatari, either!
At first I thought your Altair reference was to Zegapain, though now I'm guessing it's Assassin's Creed.
I never thought that death scenes could be so hilarious! TK is the man! I was glad they didn't hack up Yui, amd then she wound up taking herself out in her natural ditzy fashion. LOL!
Man, at the end my jaw was hanging open and then the ED starts... ::pulls hair and shakes head::
I'm just hoping somewhere deep down she will remember Otonashi and her kind self. Maybe some Mapo Tofu to jog her back to normal! All I know is I am counting down the hours til Ep 9!
Thanks Mazui, once again!! =)
these character comparisons... from the characters i know, most of the character comparisons are BS, some of them are COMPLETE opposites. and i know just about all of the characters compared.
Anyways, thanks again Mazui for the speedy and regular Angel Beats.
And with regards to the "it's not harmonics" thing, I personally was hoping it wasn't (and that the show would get more intense and more occult), but I kind of expected them to take the easy way out anyways. For some reason, Clannad/Kanon are coming to mind. xD
I agree with everyone else, this show really needed to be 24eps...
Incredible subs as always, thanks Mazui peoples.
just hearing the name makes me laugh. you guys should watch it sometime.
Incredible ep... now comes the 6-day wait T T
No edit button? >_>
Great subs, as if it needed to be said.
I mean data....
:) I am just posting this up to kill time, 7 days are long, you know. Don't waste time suspecting anyone in Key's work. There is no traitor or stuff like that. Trust and Love are everywhere. That's why I love Key's work. oi! ^.^
Hope you all are having a nice weekend ;)
It's not really logical for it to have happened that way. If Kanade can develop her own abilities, then why the heck would she make an ability like that? Not to mention, the plot twist was predictable since EVERYONE predicted it. So I'm disappointed in you, Maeda-san.
However, that does not mean I did not like the episode.
Since Harmonics created actual clones and not just temporary copies, I'll keep watching the show. It's just annoying that it had to go down that way.
Anyways, I'm sorry for the flame war in the last post. Turns out you guys were right. ^^
Oh yeah, and thanks Mazui for the lightning-speed subs. You rock, as always.
Well I have to say it's not that predictable. Like, I had no clue that it would turn out to be something like this until I read the comments here. Only when you REALLY look closely at everything (which happens when you have a ton of bored fans waiting 6 days per week), things become 'predictable'.
...that wasn't really the case here for me. I mean, if everyone else gets it, then that's perfectly fine, but I just don't.
The characters still do resemble a bunch of other characters from other anime so it is kinda cliche.
And everyone has to admit it by now.
This is just useless filler. There is no antagonist and they haven't explained anything about their world, its just a bunch of random crap about characters.
I agree man! Katanagatari is much better than Angel Beats~ Although it is straightforward, at least Katanagatari has a plot.
So far only a few characters have been seeing much progression but the individual stories are what this anime is actually about.
However for these stories to be told a fitting setting is needed, that is "the plot" this whole angel thing, it is merely the setting.
I have no idea what is going to happen past here though, you never know :P But up to this point, characters have been in focus.
That said I do have to agree Katanagatari is better though, I love that series ^^ (kenjutsu maniac)
In comparison to some of the above posts, gotta say I'm still loving Angel Beats! I'm with those who say the series should really be 24 eps, just to flesh out a few of the characters more.
Lol dude Angel Beats isn't set up to have a plot. It's like Haruhi, the plot is very open-ended. It's a school-life-ish story, we watch it for the experience and the laughs, not just for an epic story. Though yes, I do agree, the plot is somewhat flimsy compared to other anime. It just has kickass characters and scenes to make up for it.
"Kickass" characters and scenes? Wow.. you have low standards :)
Beats is just a fan-wank distraction like Railgun before it (not that there's anything wrong with that). A lot of us find it to be an adequate enough distraction, but saying it has "kickass" anything is going too far :)
This episode is so weird, but I'm not going to spoil anything. ^^
Not even close. Haruhi and Railgun have slice of life. Yes they do.
Angel Beats isn't set up that way at all. Just look at the overall setting, a world of dead people. If Angel Beats was a slice of life then they should have set it up in a more bright/cheerful way. KEY isn't trying to make it a slice of life though, they are trying to make it a serious anime by going through all the back stories of character and etc.
LOLOLOL I agree, high five!
And she says that with a SMILE!
Remind me not to get on her bad side...
Also makes me wonder how long she's been fighting to even take on an aggressive tenshi toe to toe. She looks like she enjoys this grim business of death.
@March I'm willing to think there's a conspiracy down at KEY headquarters, and that Jun Maeda has been replaced in the middle of the series by a lackluster replacement due to company cutbacks and Maeda-san's ridiculously high paycheck. From what I've heard of him Maeda can't do no wrong. :D
Btw, the nature of the commentary has been slowly degrading. I think completely negative comments that are neither discussion or argumentary should be deleted (fine example is Detective up there) No need to kill the happy mood after an Angel Beats! episode.
My prediction for the next episode?
Angel Beats! will redeem it's story component by having a heart wrenching 24 minutes of Otonashi trying to bring back Tachibana Kanade back to her old self (whether it's her being sick or maybe holding off several negative 'consciousness'). I'm expecting a death or near death experience for Otonashi. :)
Thanks for super epic 'speed-sublations' Mazui!!! I can't wait for Katanagatari!
this is KEY we are talking about....
think again like when we watch AIR, Kanon, Clannad.....
if u dislike it...just gtfo...
although maybe u will regret it next time...
sometimes, the best thing comes out after the worst...
my words? this episode is EPIC !!!
and only 1 reason i continue to watch it bcoz, Angel Beats! always amuse me....
can't wait 4 next episode!!!
can't wait 4 "reborn" Kanade....
Otonashi....what should you do?
of course that also including OP-ED Single Angel Beats!
Low standards? Maybe yours are just too high. :p
What do you all think?
Have you considered a "near-death experience"?
And that the characters are experiencing it.
And a memory that brings them to the "heaven"(when they disappear) could actually be for them being conscious again?
The first lines of the anime were something similar to "welcome to like hell im dead battlefront".
Anyways, thanks for the weekly candy (and waiting patiently for the monthly one ^^)
Eggsactly. Personally, I think they're all (or at least, Otonashi is) in a coma. The nature of the world, the two extremely different paths to disappearing, and the whole "hospital monitor beat-thingie" in the OP point to this (enough for me, at least).
The show's logo includes a heartbeat from an electrocardiogram. Honestly, there are only two reasons for that: Either the studio thought it looked cool, or it has some significance. That, for me, is evidence that at least one major character is alive, and just in a coma.
Also remember who is behind the story for this show. Maeda *loves* doing crap like comas and other unpredictable yet completely logical crap. Seriously, think back to Clannad and Kanon.
On another note, wouldn't it be crazy that, assuming one character isn't dead, if that person was not Otonashi, but Kanade?
I'm still agreeing with anonymous about kickass scenes xD It's one of the best animes I've seen recently.
Each to their own :P
GIEF PLIX! and ty also for angel beats but can`t wait for katanagatari :-s
for now....collect it first....
Yeah, I have.. and I do have high standards. But enough trolling, it's not like I wanted to convince anyone of anything, I just get a little.. worried.. when people take their praise too far :)
Is it official that it's character focused story without serious plot? Because I think that some antagonist that is thought to be kawaii killing machine turns out to be real person with her own reasons to act like she did and with girlish side too is quite a plot. It's not the only one, but main and well developed imo.
Personally, I like Katanagatari because of its lulz and fights, but I like Angel Beats! more because of complicated development (character development, story development, whichever you like:)).
Otonashi hugs Kanade trying to talk to her and comfort her, but is killed by her full-of-anger-consciouses self(just stabbed,not ripped apart). Nonetheless, he'll be all against fighting her later, believing he can be friends-or-more with her.
No idea what plot twist will be served next, though.:P
> these character comparisons... from the characters i know, most of the character comparisons are BS, some of them are COMPLETE opposites. and i know just about all of the characters compared.
Yurippe = Haruhi, Nagato = Angel, moemoebitchannoyinggirlwithpinkhair = makoto from kanon and other key anime, otonashi = shitty sunohara, protagonistwhosnameIforgetbecausehesa forgettablecharacter = Kyon
O. Look. I just successfully compared the entire main cast to other KyoAni/KEY production characters.
> It's very simple; if you don't like it, you are not obliged to watch it. No need to ruin all of our happy and joyful mood by stating that you don't like it. Besides, if you really didn't like it, you wouldn't watch it. :)
I'm watching it to finish it, and when I do, I'll have a perfect and fully developed argument why people should not watch it.
> Lol srsly guys, if you don't like Angel Beats, there's no need to troll it and ruin it for the others. That's just selfish.
Not gonna troll bro, you're watching a shitty anime with shitty characters and nonexistent shitty plot. Did I ruin it for you yet?
Another great cliffhanger. Thanks for the speedy ups Mazui :)
That's possible too - the coma idea seemed likely to me as, despite the number of flashbacks we've seen to the character's previous lives, we've never actually seen any of them die for sure.
Otonashi got into a train accident -> Possible he'd be hospitalised and in a coma.
Old GDM Lead Singer (whatever her name was) -> Spinal Injury, gets hospitalised, possible coma?
Of course, this theory may have some issues (all the characters where it's unknown how they got there), but I think it bears some consideration.
Just my $0.02. :)
Still an intriguing theory nevertheless. Especially since none of the characters actually show the moment they died (Hinata, Yuri, Iwasawa). Only Otonashi actually has a 'moment of death', and even that one's disputable.
I....remember everything
remember what? another twist that i'll happy to watch it....
-5 = 2 ; Kamina = Naruto ; Detective = shit
Look. I'm as intelligent as you. I also successfully compared something to something. To hell with with telling why. And who cares that it's not really true? Comparison is comparison. Am I right?
> I'm watching it to finish it, and when I do, I'll have a perfect and fully developed argument why people should not watch it.
Now you're just plain wrong. You'll have a perfect and fully developed argument why you don't like this anime, but it doesn't allow you decide what people should watch and what they should not.
> Not gonna troll bro, you're watching a shitty anime with shitty characters and nonexistent shitty plot. Did I ruin it for you yet?
Maybe you just watch this with shitty glasses on your nose? Does anything you see before or after this anime looks shitty to you? I bet you're watching it alone, because anyone, who would do this, would look shitty to you. Or you're afraid that someone you know would actually like Angel Beats.
Angel Beats may not be flawless, but it's certainly very addicting and entertaining, with all the cliffhangers and mystery.
People, learn to use the spoiler functions please... I swear, I have to find the torrent link ASAP and try as hard as I can to not see anything else around here...
Oh, that's been leaked already. You can grab it off of DDL if you want:
They're about as mysterious and cliffhanger as a daytime Soap Opera. ACTUALLY I'M YOU'RE CLONE. TWEEST. Oh and nothing beats when they figured out the BAD GUY WASN'T BAD! Oh noes. Durrama etc.
I'm just trying to make it this anime is overrated by using my brain a little to think, which is something I recommend you do if you think this series is "teh best 1 dis seaosn." Oh and where is this Angel Beats! hate forum? Can it be found at
> All of us here are fans, not opposers.
Really? Are you sure you can just put words in to everyone's mouths like that? If we were all fans, there wouldn't be any arguments right? Detective isn't the only one arguing here, you spot a good amount if you just read. Anime is anime, there are people that like it and hate it. If everyone just shutted up and watched like you want then we would have already achieved world peace. If you got a problem with people giving their opinions then you need to just shut up and tell some one who actually cares.
How much anime have you guys seen? 7?
> If you got a problem with people giving their opinions then you need to just shut up and tell some one who actually cares.
Then shouldn't he be able to give his opinion instead of shutting up?
Oh, I see. You think that if you think something and someone else thinks something else then this someone can't think or at least thinks wrong. Now I think that if you would add 'for me' to any adjective describing Angel Beats! you use, this forum wouldn't be so full of hate by now.
> Oh and where is this Angel Beats! hate forum? Can it be found at
If you're implying that hating Angel Beats! makes you having half a brain, then yes, you should search along those lines.
It's not problem that someone don't like Angel Beats!. Maybe Ftimis went a little overboard but he used magic words 'at least I think so'. You don't like it, temperus don't like it, March don't like(or at least don't love) it, but only Detective is trying to convince everyone here that Angel Beats! "is shitty anime with shitty characters and shitty nonexistent plot". Btw, no one yet made fun of him, because of that. Saying that anime is lacking something AND that the same thing is shitty is not a thing one should say if he's "using his brain a little to think". Maybe try using it a little more. Not only to think, but to comprehend that someone can like things other than things you like.
Listen to them and accept that its true, it sucks,ya we totally wasted our time watching it, but guess what? It was worth it knowing that they too wasted their life watching Angel Beats!
Oho. Let me say then, I think Angel Beats! is a shitty cesspool of everything in anime that is currently "causing the cancer." There. I've said it. Adding words to show you it's my opinion doesn't change it from being a fact though, so your argument is foolish. Oh and if you visit the front page of that site, it says clearly on the front "for people who use at least half of their brain to think." You would know if you checked your sources.
my second pet peeves is people who incessantly complain about the quality of something and never do anything about it. if you think you know better then make it yourself.
Hai guyz - i read teh Shakespearez workz 4 teh 9001th tyme todai! U iz knownin i r teh smarz gnow!! Gib me sum dem intelligint animooz plox.
I love this show~
if you don't like it then GTFO.
If you like it, stay.
Simple as that.
Although, after reading Detective's comments and logic, I realize now that I was deceiving myself. I no longer enjoy this show and will not be finishing it as I now understand it is actually horrible.
Detective, I was wondering; if I sent you a list of anime I really enjoyed, could you go through the list and let me know which ones I was wrong about?
Thanks in advance!
let's enjoy troll him.....
luv Angel Beats!.....
Don't argue with the trolls/haters. They're not worth your time.
After all, if they've endured 8 eps (~200 minutes) of their lives watching 'shitty anime' just so that they can shout to the world that they hate it...
Well, we can't beat them in sheer determination.
The obvious conclusion here is that they don't have lives, but I'm giving them the benefit of a doubt for now.
At least March had a good reason for his 'dislike', which I respect him for. These other guys just spout unbacked nonsense. Its kinda funny really if you take a step back and look at it.
Well I'm hereby announcing my withdrawal from this flame war. To those who may quote/argue back with me: You're not worth my time. I'm not gonna respond.
Angel Beats for the win.
Are you serious? Would you dislike your list of anime that you really enjoyed just because Detective (might) tell you they are crappy shows? Detective's preferences is not your.
@Everyone that argued on this forum
Would you all stop arguing and respect each other? We all have different opinion but that does not mean we can be brat and argue over pointless things.
Damn it I did NOT post that comment and I don't know who did (!).
>why do you need to say it at all then? no one else cares. so what if its copying other things? it works and we like it, most of us noticed this stuff ourselves, and we dont need someone else to tell us. what i hate most are people like you who think everyone else is blind.
[quote] >Jesus Christ people this is an anime.
if you don't like it then GTFO.
If you like it, stay.
Simple as that. [/quote]
Also agree.
>Don't argue with the trolls/haters. They're not worth your time.
Yep, agree.
Anyways, I would appreciate it if we could stop this conversation, Detective, as I am tired arguing with similar people over the years. I have my opinion, you have your own, Doritos has his own, Niker has his own, Adam326 has his own etc etc. Just, in order to avoid future conflicts like this, state that what you are saying is your opinion and your opinion only, not necessarily a fact. (Not particularly in this case, but generally). Also, don't assume that we can't see the comparisons you make, it's just that we don't care if they are "rip-offs" of the characters of whom you are speaking. I like Angel Beats as it is.
Please if you respond, do so peacefully. If you say something to support your opinion forcefully on me again, I simply won't answer. Say whatever you want, nobody forbids you to do so, just don't force it on others.
He's being sarcastic xD
They were really good friends in Track Zero (the novels), and Hinata was the first guy that Yuri recruited.
Now that'll be a good plot twist if Yuri turns out to be the enemy...
PS: And more for Haruhi to troll us if she is god.
you know....that's the beauty of Angel Beats!..
they will make u soooo curious about what happen.....
that....will allow us to guess....what happen behind the scene...
well, we never know until next episode comes out.....
Ah... Thanks for telling me. I can never tell when someone was being sarcastic by reading texts alone.
m(_ _)m sorry RC
if you don't have the fonts
Anyway, trolling/arguing is fun, why stop? You can vent your stress at people you don't know, and they get angry oho.
Multiple angel was... one of the lamest idea ever for the plot development. :/
The only character of this series that even remotely resembles a "normal" person is Yui. The rest of the characters are just so wildly unimaginative and bland. At least Yui tries to bring substance and depth to an otherwise sophomoric and unimaginative plot.
And the plot of being reborn in a high school where you can be killed and reutrn to life over and over is sooooo redundant and overused of an idea in the anime industry today that it is just makes you watch a few minutes and say, "been there, done that." There is nothing new with the concept of trying to overthrow God, led by a girl fighting a once thought-to-be-Angel who turns out to be a normal post life teenager who can't die and tries to follow the rules and unfortunately has friends disappear on her when she befriends them! Come on! Give us some variety and stop with all the recycled plots! I feel like its got me spinning right around, like a record, baby, right around, round, round.
Anyway, we all know how this is going to end. Yui will piece everything together and unravel this obvious plot to it foreseeable conclusion like clockwork. If it wasn't for Yui being so mature, calm, observant, and compassionate to everyone and their needs, I don't think I could have gotten this far, albeit my resolve is waning and suffering to say the least.
This anime needs more pink hair girls with chains, which is something different and completely rare to find in animes now adays. I hope this show will finally get something interesting going soon as its nearing its end. If not, I cannot fathom how they got a budget to remix so many old used up ideas and call it new.
I have no idea whether or not that was sarcastic or not. But it made me lol all the same xD
I was talking to a Korean friend of mine, and he mentioned something that he saw/found from another forum. Check this screenshot out:
That's from episode 3, 16:58, when they're hacking Angel's computer. That's the student list.
Tachibana Kazunobu? Same family name as Tachibana Kanade. And what other character has the initials T and K? And its just me, but I think Kazunobu's a guy's name.
TK. Think he's her brother?
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but... TK sure is mysterious.
oh wait....TK's face is like the face of main hero in eroge.....
Don't argue with the trolls/haters. They're not worth your time.
"You're my Angel, you're the only sunshine in my life. Feels like heaven when you take me in your arms..." (You're My Angel, Darren Styles)
^^ I'd love to see a Kanade/Otonashi AMV with this once it's over. The piano notes at the end really make me think of the OP too.
tomorrow is the time to leave AB! troller.....
Chop chop chop chop chop
Same as the manga. I hope for Angel Beats 9 more TK scene >
Thanks for the good release.
that "Even through she isn't the student council president anymore?" script should be, like, not like that right ?
(FYI the font you used for the subs was not the best.) But Thanks anyway. ;P