Katanagatari 06

Haha wow...
Yeah, sorry about that filesize guys. But hey, it's crf 18 every time so I guess that means this ep has a lot of stuff in it!

Here ya go, ridiculous quality. And less ridiculous quality.

Couple notes:

There is massive spoilerage in the ending narration from 47:00 onwards. I don't know why they did that, but if you'd prefer to be surprised by what happens next episode, stop watching when the narrator starts talking at the end.

And since the filesize this time is admittedly thora-worthy, I'll explain a bit about how it works.

When you encode with x264 (which turns stuff into h.264 streams), you can go with either one pass or two pass encoding. With two pass, you target a particular bitrate, which the first pass calculates, and then actually encodes with the second pass to that bitrate, resulting in exact control over the filesize. With one pass, you tell x264 to use what's called crf - constant rate factor - which basically means you want the "quality" to be the same throughout the video. What this means is the filesize is highly dependent on the content of the video, and a scene with lots of action and changing shots will take up a lot more space than one that's just talking heads.

Our encoder chooses to go with one pass, at crf=18, and generally this results in a file around 800MB for a 50 minute show, but this episode apparently has enough detail and action that it boosted the filesize by a good 25% over average. We could, of course, re-encode using a lower crf now that we know this one's huge, but we're already late as it is, so today you get to watch crazy quality.

The End.

Had to dig to find someone interesting for this one:

Comments (88)

inter4everThanks for the release as usual :D
MilfeulleThats a nice page stretch.
legendaryguyThanks, you guys have tickled my soul yet again. Way to make a good Sunday even better.
Chris2Bless you and your punctuality. I love it.
tenshiThanks for the release, guys. However there's something I've never really understood: with codecs supposedly getting better and more efficient, why are filesizes continually going up instead of down (or at least remaining about the same with improved quality)?

It is a complete mystery how almost 1gig is apparently needed to watch less than 1 hour at good quality.
rinWow, I wasn't even expecting this. I just watched 05 not too long ago. Seems I lost track of time.

Anyway, thanks a lot! I now have something awesome to watch tonight.
ZepwichAwesome, Thankyou! Gonna wait for the XviD though, crappy computer ^^

haha, jokeing, :P it was faster then last episode :D thx for the release can`t wait to see it
DjisasI was quietly waiting for this and had some hope it would be over the weekend...
A few hours latter than i would like, but there's always tomorrow to watch it, and the bigger the file, the better the quality...
Tx guys for the hard work...
 /noob question

Is a higher CRF better or worse?
Figgzwoot?!? this was so fast! I just checked the site 15 min ago to DL Angel beats ep.10 and there where no ep :)
(ty for ur hard work @ angel beats / katanagatari anyway, great quality subs)
zerotuesdayThanks again for subbing this anime.
wowKatanargi in two weeks?! Hell yeah.
CenebiHigher CRF generally means Higher quality, larger filesize.
anonymousTechnically, the episode is the same quality as it has been in the past, but there is a lot more action than usual, and as such it's a much larger file.
anonymousI was surprised that they only waited 2 weeks for this one myself.

Not that I'm complaining.
legendaryguyyou forgot she also did the voice of talho yuki
k3ik0awesome quality, cheers for this release ^_^

@ tenshi, "why are filesizes continually going up instead of down (or at least remaining about the same with improved quality)?": Video resolution. What used to be 300000+ pixels or so turned into more than 3 times as much with 720p. And the first year or so of HDTV rips wasn't all that great in quality... We've come to expect more.
DRRR!!Who's the first girl in the eye patch ? I know the other one's from Hyakko. hmm.. Talho,Mao Melissa ,Arachne and Agnes too...
DRRR!!btw, are mazui subs doing the BD of railgun?
nicky_008the good work for the good episode, guy

also, bd rip quality banzai... >_>
emerald-dustSo anyone else get redirected to "black internet" hosting trying to get to mazuisubs and torrent link? Or that just me.
UlrezajOur DNS server is under attack. Some users are being redirected. Anyone running into this issue can get the torrent from here:

alilyamongthornstoo late, I already accidentally read the spoiler on the wikipedia page. Why'd they put it there?!
Anyway, thank you!
emerald-dustThanks. "mazuisubs.com" redirects but "www.mazuisubs.com" still works for me. (ie. add www.) same w/ torrent link actually.
Chicken BoostAbout the spoiler at the end, is it a dirty spoiler that ruins the next episode really bad? or is it a spoiler that hypes the next episode?
DetectiveHoly shit they released these two eps so close together. This is good.
nate``Well worth the wait :/
yangyou guys rock!
Oddone@ DRRR!! The one with the eyepatch is Adiane from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. She is one of the four captains under the Spiral King.

Also, thank you so much, mazui, for subbing this. Katanagatari is awesome, and so are you.
VstForgot what u said about spoiler and saw it. Hella pist off now. She my favorite char orz..
anonymousI was kind of expecting the spoiler after they were talking about the other sword location, now I'm just hoping it was some kind of set up for a twist.
anonymousas a fan i cant really say spoilers bother me as much as they are to you guys.
anonymousbtw, i hope they release an OVA of that "legendary fight" between him and that strongest guy in japan thing. when they destroy that entire island? i mean that's gotta be worth an hour long of fighting. if they are to make an action packed episode like that, please make it on that one.
Chicken Boost"btw, i hope they release an OVA of that "legendary fight" between him and that strongest guy in japan thing. when they destroy that entire island? i mean that's gotta be worth an hour long of fighting. if they are to make an action packed episode like that, please make it on that one."

I hope your right that would be one nasty ass fight.
skovacs1 That flash of Konayuki's memories shows that Nanami not only destroyed Shireizan, but Itezora as well, right? I mean that silhouette can't be anyone else. Does that mean she had to leave Soutou Kanazuchi behind because it was too heavy to move?
MrTRanCeEviLThanks Mazui!! I could feel a strong spoiler from video quality. I hope this is the best episodes release. Thanks again Mazui!!! :3
anonymousso thats not really a spoiler when youve read the novels
luke13thanks a shitload for the release guys!!!!! very much appreciated! as for the filesize, don't sweat it, i think we'll be able to get over it! =]
CommanderBubblegreat episode and great work from mazui. got to 47:18 and thought, well, that wasn't much of a spoiler, then BAM. ah well i'll have forgotten it in a month and can watch it without spoiling it :D
zerodestinyif I'm not mistaken isn't the did you know also talho from eureka seven. and great work as usual. thx
MiyajimaLudicrous quality!!! Haha, thanks!
ThunderBridgeBluesok, I don't mind spoilers when they are minor...but I thought you may have been exaggerating even though I suspected who it was.....
bosoThanks Mazui! I love epic quality.
Sir BonSw33t! Man, I thought it would be a downer day for me with today being first day of school after only a week and a half worth of summer vacation and y'all had to go and make it a whole lot less crappy for me. Thnx a lot Mazui!
Master ShadowThe spoiler really wasn't that bad, if they didn't show that, they really couldn't have done a preview for the next ep. And besides it was hinted at in ep 3. (I think thats the right one.)
Holy Crap Most likely she decided there were 11 other swords worthy of her awesomeness and left the quivering incredible hulk girl alone...
I shat myself Should have taken Nanami instead of Shichika...
DukerLol, spoiler? It was obvious, even excluding the 47min point onwards they practically say it out loud.
lgmtkcrazy quality (i.e. CQ) FTW :)
mazui - love u!
kupiThx a lot!
QuestionaireAny resaon why Katanagari is out so early this month?

Stephan"Cenebi: Higher CRF generally means Higher quality, larger filesize."

thats not true, the lower the CRF value the better the quality (CRF 16 is better than 18)
taken from a site for coding
" Good values of the Constant Rate Factor range between approximately 18 and 26 (where a lower value produces higher quality but larger file sizes). "
Christos(i mean that what was stated by Stephan is true not that the "that's not true" part of his message is wrong)
Flare@Duker && MasterShadow,

The spoiler wasn't just telling us who this "mysterious" person was what happens to him/her in the next episode.

47:15: "in his next fight, he will undergo the experience of killing his own sister"

Now, if that wasn't mistranslated, I think that's a pretty damn annoying spoiler
Hard SellYeah well, it's not like she can't get over it.
RhiannI love you guys, thanks for the XviD!
tripperdan99I agree w/ Flare.. TMI on the preview, bothers me

Thanks Mazui, excellent work as usual

XasewThe fundamental reasons for higher file sizes are faster internet connections and larger hard drives. These make it possible for us to concentrate more on quality, as we aren't as limited by hardware as before.
AppreciativeLove the quality! Great work, team!
gaswata bit overkill from tv rip but meh, thanks anyway though the spoiler is really stupid, maybe they expect anyone watching the show to have read the novel?
anonmyousIt's a 'spoiler' but it's obvious anyway. It's as much a spoiler as saying that Goku defeats Frieza -- it's implied, given the genre.

Plus it makes us think that they'll subvert it when they actually won't.
Alex-boyAbout the spoiler I was expecting that but not this soon =/
CruelAlthough the spoiler says to kill her, they didn't sayed if it will happend (if she dies).

So this spoiler is made intentionaly to build up tention until the next ep. So ppl wana see this ep. and know what realy is gona happend.
DetectiveHoly shit this ep is so high qual I had to dl the .avi.

feels bad man.
Dauntae Regardless of what anyone says, it says that "he will undergo (To endure; suffer. experience, etc.) the experience of killing his own sister". I never read the novel, but if we remember what happened with Sabi Hakuhei, the epic battle in that island that we all wanted to see, that it showed on the preview it will air the next episode and instead aired Nanami's massacre against the Maniwa Corps, it might do the same again for the upcoming show, who knows? Also, "killing", which means to deprive the life of an other in anyway, or an attempt to kill. Only time will tell..
unap I think the only way to kill Nanami is to rip her head off.
Zeptis@unap: Like the fucking highlander.
Seifer how do you guys get the spoiler blackout? /spoiler "i'm just trying random stuff to get it" /spoiler
IvanTheChemistIs it only me or the snow is adding the bonus size for this ep?
jumbieǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʍǝu ɐ ɯoɹɟ ʍoɥs sıɥʇ ʇɐ ʞooן oʇ pǝǝu noʎ ʞuıɥʇ ı.
compared to other anime.
Read Angel Beats 6 Archive for Intructions.
anonymousin 11:22-11:28 Houou says: "With Koumori no longer with us, it's no exaggeration to say that the success of our sword collection plan rests on you." Was it my imagination, or he said something about Kawauso there?
The_Third_OneI'm in agreement with Dauntae about this one. The incredible spoiler last time with the strongest swordsman ended up not being applicable due to incredible ridiculousness. So I think it's safe to say that that wasn't a spoiler at all, and in fact the next episode will focus on the Maniwani or something and without that "spoiler" you would have no idea what's going on in the show.
You need these things "[]" around it if you want the spoiler tags to work. In other news, Unfortunately we can't use the fact that we see Nanami and Shichika together in the next episode preview to determine whether on not we'll see their fight because the episode before the Sabi Hakuhei fight had footage from their fight in it as well T_T
St.EligiusKonayuki's bear boots/leggings are awsome!
ModheshI believe the massive spoilage is true. if you watched ep4 near the end, you'll understand. But I love nanami so I'll vote for her. TT A TT
Modheshforget what i've just said. My mind is being bothered by the spoiler. Just when I fell in love with Nanami, thanks to episode 4.
PapaGeorgioAhhh. The perfect end to a long week. Many thanks, Mazui. Three cheers for crazy high file sizes.
..i know why they put that spoiler in there.
because it was freaking obvious already :3
Hundredfire Another great spoiler for you: bita can revive its user -> Nanami would perhaps be able to die and be revived next ergo Nanami may survive the fight!!! It may explain why the narrative spoiled us, as it could be another fake preview!
But again, it's hard to guess what Nisioisin prepared next.
SiegHarTthe script link is not working..
digritzThere seems to be a variety of opinions on what will happen between Nanami and Shichika.
How about why?
I think it's pretty clear from the ep.3 just how miserable Nanami life has been. I think she would welcome death. In this case the only person able to grant her this wish may be her brother. Even if that's not the case she may want it to be her brother's hand that brings her this peace, (you have to think Japanese for that part).
She helps her brother by attaining another sword, helping him break free of the responsibility for her and gains the freedom for her constant pain and suffering.
I would like to see her kick some more Maniwani butt thought before she bites it.
Just an opinion. Any thoughts?
UnforgivenFirst, i wanted to thank you for your incredible work on Katanagatari, each of your releases is excellent. And i wanted to ask a question if i may : When is the next one (the 7th) going to be released ? I can no more wait :)

Thank you again !
PS : Sorry for my bad english, i'm from algeria ^^

skiffson of a...

too much anime i forgot this was on my list and miss 2 eps now :(
If Konayuki is 11... and lived in Itezora for 10 years... Her village woulod have been destroyed about a year ago and not by Nanami. Unless its a trick that she turned 11 in the previous two months.
Also I think the spoiler may be somewhat true, but also a throw off, just like that awesome fight we saw Ep 4. It. Was. Amazing. Feeling bad for that island right now. If the Narration is supposed to be like Togame report... Then it's probably made to attract attention.