Katanagatari 08
Wow, that was a whole lot of unexpected work. First, my secondary TL disappeared, slowing me down (especially since I hate ali project), and then the host that the site was on went kaput, so I had to do an emergency migration to a new one, hence the weirdass DNS/redirection shenanigans earlier. If you know someone who's still not seeing the site correctly, tell them to clear their browser cache.
Update: We v2'd due to some terrible ED transcription on my part, so I've updated the links and created a patch for those who have the v1.
Well, enough complaining from me. Here's the episode: ep 8 v2 and the XviD!
Since she has such a sexy ass so many lines this ep, I guess we'll see what else the princess has been up to:
Comments (78)
Show me the money!
it seems to be great episode
I purposely didn't watch any raws or OPs just to be smitten with combined Katanagatari's with Mazui's awesomenesses!
Thanks for the episode!
also, thank you, been waiting for this, oh joy!,:D
Been waiting all month for this! Mazui. is. fucking. awesome.
That's the v2 on herpes.deepbone.net
Or do I have to download 700 MB again... :|
Thank you for all the hard work, keep it up^^
well thanks for the work u do.
Err.. Anybody has finish download V2.. Please keep seed!!!..
Seed can make torrent files still 'alive!!'...
Gero~ Gero~ (^_^)~ Peace~
Should be:
Dialogue: 0,0:01:20.58,0:01:26.52,main,,0000,0000,0000,,I can't really criticize, but there really are people like this wherever you go, aren't there?
Dialogue: 0,0:28:25.64,0:28:33.41,main,,0000,0000,0000,,Maybe she thought it'd be interesting if I didn't realize it and got torn apart, or something like that.
Dialogue: 0,0:29:07.60,0:29:14.19,main,,0000,0000,0000,,Wouldn't it be fun if Shichika-kun didn't notice and got destroyed by Biyorigou?
From context, they must be talking about Shichika accidentally destroying Biyorigou, not the other way around.
Togame is saying the princess is hoping she won't figure out the doll is the sword, and get torn apart by it. What happens to Shichika in the process really doesn't matter.
In the second part the princess is saying it would be fun if Shichika didn't notice the doll was the sword, didn't fight it accordingly, and got killed by it.
If he got killed by a sword while on a sword hunt, the whole venture would be ruined.
Where it should be closer to:
If he destroyed the actual sword while on a sword hunt, the whole venture would be ruined.
There's no reason for her to believe Shichika would die just because he didn't know the doll was the sword. But it is all the more likely that he would destroy it if he didn't know it was the sword.
Dialogue: 0,0:38:20.37,0:38:24.03,main,,0000,0000,0000,,All I I can do is believe in you and watch. (Double I here)
And @ above, yes, I believe it's a translation error, and the actual meaning would be what runedot said. Getting the original line:
1. Okata, watashi ga sore ni kizukazuni Biyorigou [o] hakaishiteshimattara omoshiroi toka,kangaeiteita no dearou yo. (1st line, 0,0:28:25.64,0:28:33.41)
2. Maa, Shichika-kun ga kizukanai no o Biyorigou [o] hakaishichattettara sore wa sore de omoshiroi wa yo ne. (2nd line, 0,0:29:07.60,0:29:14.19)
Take note, the particle [O] in both cases of "Biyorigou o hakaisuru" would mean "to destroy Biyorigou". Hence the actual meaning for
1st line: I'm sure she'll find it amusing if I destroyed Biyorigou without noticing that. (that referring to the fact that the doll is actually Biyorigou)
2nd line: I guess it's interesting as well if Shichika-kun destroys it [Biyorigou] without noticing that [doll is Biyorigou].
No one is perfect, if you want to edit so badly, get the raw and make the subs yourself.
Mazui will fix them eventually if ONE person tells them about the errors.
"okata" is wrong, it's "ookata" 大方
kizukazuni is technically an incorrect romanization as well, should be kidzu for kidzuku 気付ã for the "sounded" version of tsu 㤠to dzu ã¥
also if you know japanese why are you not watching it raw and instead downloading fansubs?
but yeah, it looks like the corrections are right re: shichika accidentally destroying biyorigou as he did not notice that the guns were also the deviant blades
FYI I don't think that's bitching there. We're just pointing out misses that happens in subs, and no one was actually saying "Oh your sub sucks incorrect TL fail QC blablabla". I'm just pointing it out a few of them in case Mazui would like to v3 it. Personally, I'll just extract the script out and change it myself if Mazui decided not to v3 it. It is strange indeed to see how pointing out misses constitutes as bitching.
Oh, and while I can watch it RAW, that's not the case for the people around me who are going to watch it.
And, no point putting out moonrunes here when not many people understand the romaji, isn't it?
Back to ^, thanks for pointing it out, should have checked the C.C. for it.
And since you brought out the case of "technically correct" romanization, it's retarded to say one being correct and the other is not. 'dzu' sounds like 'zu' in most cases, and depending on what system you're using, it will be different.
An example, 続ã,(ã¤ã¥ã) >
tsuzuku (Revised Hepburn)
tuzuku (Kunrei-shiki)
tuduku (Nihon-shiki)
Are you going to say only one of them is THE correct one and the rest are retarded?
Oh, by the way, if you're going about 'accurate' romanizations, perhaps I should convert all the 'wa', 'o' particles into their 'accurate' romanization of 'ha' and 'wo'?
Anyway thanks for the goods guys.