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Actually I am not... see here toward mid-area and down.
Also I have a Quad.x.Quad cor... toadsage@toadsage you seem to be the only one having this issue. I noticed a small "lag" between the part A and B, but it continued just like a... anonymousI appreciate your work. However until you can integrate the chapter-indexing without issues, perhaps you should stop indexing chapters.... toadsage
Comments (99)
Also, you guys should probably just say "Batch" instead of "[Series name] az" on the Quick links. People might not get that.
And finally seeding to somewhere that isn't BakaBT for Batches. Yay.
man talk about bad timing
To Aru Majutsu no Index Season II
your the best speed subber that i know.
good job!
Thank's alot for doing this, I've wanted a Mazui Spice and Wolf complete torrent for so long, I just didn't have the motivation to download them singularly.
XVID link exists, but they managed to mess up posting it. THe link is -
Thank you so much.
makes sense too
please tell me you're going to sub ore no imouto
well, i think they start to tell us that they will sub it ^_^..
If that's the case, then I already know where to go when Ore no Imouto is out.
I made it around ten paragraphs into the Ore no Imouto light novel before I suddenly vomited all over myself from pure misery.
So they're doing one show that's not to your taste, I'm sure you'll find decent subs for whatever you'll be watching, so what does it matter to you if you don't use mazui for a season?
Furthermore, ten paragraphs is hardly a fair judgment. That most likely wouldn't get us to the end of episode one. It's a bit much for you to come in here ridiculing and doomsaying over ten paragraphs.
Honestly, as far as I'm concerned, mazui has done no wrong yet, so whatever they pick I'm sure I'll enjoy, regardless of whether or not it's a genre I would typically seek out.
Needless to say I'm hoping for Index II here :)
or maybe you can do both Index II and Oreimo this autumn :3
Index II is what i want now, ohh, they dont do ecchi anime, too bad for To Love Ru II
but its ok coz your the best SPEED SUBBER.
Index II is what i want now, ohh, they dont do ecchi anime, too bad for To Love Ru II
but its ok coz your the best SPEED SUBBER.
Ryuumaru sucks in their MKV releases,, i've always got an eror in subtitles,
Anyway, from the thumbnail of this post, I would like to believe that Mazui will sub Ore no Imouto, while not expecting them to do Index 2 (I personally think there are better fall shows for Mazui to sub)
I just hope you guys do the Railgun OVA; that series was awesome and hopefully the OVA will be full of win as well.
Apply this theory to anime fansubbing in general - Series x is an anime therefore it should be subbed.
Index II or not, I'll just wait for CGi's BD releases which will either use Eclipse or Mazui (if they sub it)
And while we're on it, Angel Beats batch pl0x?
And, sub Index II PLEASE!!! ITS SO GOOD!!! Hope there's Railgun II... lol
Mazui is the best. I'd hate to have to settle for gg for a show like that.
Damn I love you guys. :D
Thanks as always, Mazui.
and the still provide best sub
i personally think can't ask nothing more but they long live happily ever after
YnS is about a pair of twins that move into the countryside. And you know what they say: When in Rome...
@go3001: Shana III isn't coming just yet. It hasn't been announced to air this fall, so maybe Spring/Summer 2011 will be your best bet. And please don't describe it like that, it makes the series sound it has the same amount of plot as Naruto or some dumb series like that; you didn't need to even describe it anyway since most people are followers of the Queen of Tsundere.
So many subbers don't leave us the option of watching op/ed/insert in RAW. I don't know about editing, but is it that much harder? Same thing with signs and letters and stuff.
@Jumendez-sama shes the Queen?! not as Happy in Fairy Tail...whos the princess then? lol
@Oscar i dont even know what those codes are for so i always rename them. hehe
Those 8-digit numbers are CRC-32 values. You can use them to check integrity of the files (against corruption).
There was a v3/v2.5(?) released for Railgun 16 (, and it had a CRC-32 number of 51779313. The older v2, which had a missing font issue, had a CRC-32 value of 1DD575E1. For some unknown reasons, the one that's included in the batch isn't v2.5/v3(?) but v2 with missing fonts.
I've been torrenting for a couple of weeks now, and am not even at 2%. The projected completion date is over a year away. There really are not enough seeders for the torrent to be a viable option.
Specially the year old ones... ;)
I'm just starting to torrent it.
I really want to watch it
I'm just starting to torrent it.
I really want to watch it