Boku Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai 09
Corrupt TSs and sleepy encoders makes for a very late release. But we got it out the door, anyway. Anyone remember when our releases came out around midnight usually? Good times...
By the way, some of you may have heard about Rapidspeeds going down. Our main server was hosted by them so distro's going to be slow until we find another one. Sorry!
Episode 9 and XviD
Comments (70)
No regrets
thanks for the release Mazui
Greetings and thaks to all the staff involved with ;),
then clicked on it and the other picture was of some kind of girlcow?
and double wtf'd lol
i can't wait to watch this anime
Dear god... what a pic...
Thanks for getting us the episode! HAVE A GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD HUNTING!
Are you serious? What are they training for? Shouldn't it be TLed as a retreat?
I think they actually use the words for training camp regardless of what they plan to do
Watch it .mkv or you suck. ):P
thx :D
BTW,thanks for the release.
Can I get an... "E - I - E - I - O" to that...? :D
Thanks for subs~
That pic of Sena would be very nice *without* those udders.
The "bath scene" lacked the 肉 of the original. Unfortunate.
My thanks, as always.
they're training to be prepared for when they become famous, I believe Yozora said that literally herself
thanks for the release, Mazui!