Boku Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai 09

Corrupt TSs and sleepy encoders makes for a very late release. But we got it out the door, anyway. Anyone remember when our releases came out around midnight usually? Good times...

By the way, some of you may have heard about Rapidspeeds going down. Our main server was hosted by them so distro's going to be slow until we find another one. Sorry!

Episode 9 and XviD

Comments (70)

PTKamikazethx mazui
Geese1Thanks for the episode, guys!
Genraty for the release!
ZalsaIt's 5 am. Should have gone to bed ages ago.

No regrets
PTkamikazebtw dont mind the time it takes to be released just keep the good work and love the image of this ep XD
XenoperiAwesome! Weekly dose of Mazui... Along with the re-runs of Railgun I'm watching.
YuumeiOMG, that picture cannot be unseen.
PotskyWaiting for Xvid.. :D
IchigoTTThanks minna ^^ Saludos
Shikias always
thanks for the release Mazui
ThankfulYou guys are probably the most responsible, timely subbers I follow. Everyone else gets into bitch fits and delays releases for days. Hope you guys keep up the awesome work.
KohiiRight on time, as usual. Thank you, Mazui team.
KyzelThank you very much!
DanV2The late release gave me just enough time to finish that Computer Science lab :D
awesomesauceawesome, 11:15PM and i get my haganai? extreme awesome.
pxMuchas gracias x el episodio. Lo estaba esperando desde hace mucho XD, siempre su versión, pues es la mejor con este anime ;)

pxThanks a lot for another episode ;) I was waiting for too long XD I always download your version, because it has the best work on this anime.

Greetings and thaks to all the staff involved with ;),
nsfyWorth the wait, thanks Mazui.
sonnexi haven't watched any of this series yet but i have been downloading them each week, and i saw the picture of the horse on the main scene and i was like "wtf?!"
then clicked on it and the other picture was of some kind of girlcow?
and double wtf'd lol
i can't wait to watch this anime
AnonThanks guys
wongjowomatur nuwun...
Doc·8As always I appreciate the release - no matter when it comes out... but that picture is... yeah.
macxxx007no sweat... I'm not big on punctuality anyway...

Dear god... what a pic...

Thanks for getting us the episode! HAVE A GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD HUNTING!
lacathank you again!!!!
Hadesthanks for release! You guys rock!

Kitty11:20 or 11:21 or so into the episode, you guys left out a line, while Kodaka is speaking to the Chairman.
Ryner^yea I notice that as well, but even though it was left out I kind of understood on what he said, either he said understood or okay or something along those lines. Still it would of had been great to actually add that line for the people that don't understand one bit of Japanese though.
Ryner^yea I notice that as well, but even though it was left out I kind of understood on what he said, either he said understood or okay or something along those lines. Still it would of had been great to actually add that line for the people that don't understand one bit of Japanese though.
Rynerwow, double post...sigh...I hate my computer right now...
Rynerwow, double post...sigh...I hate my computer right now...
kittyway to double post there, ryner.
tsunkudon't hate your computer, it didn't do it! btw xvid?
PotskyStill waiting for Xvid.. :(
kim+1 for the Xvid.
SA_Rudwaiting for Xvid as well
ShadowI'm waiting for the Xvid too
ShadowWait a second, does this group even upload xvid?
Kanade"Training camp?"

Are you serious? What are they training for? Shouldn't it be TLed as a retreat?
Potsky@Shadow, yes they upload xvid..
lexxAlso waiting for Xvid :D
RuriI'm in the Xvid waiting club too!
Sion Astal@Kanade
I think they actually use the words for training camp regardless of what they plan to do
yuriaislingThanks for your hard work! :D
bt37thanks Mazui!
swedenftwthanks for epis.waiting for avi:)
' , ' AXviD AVI FTW!!!! :)

KuroLolixvid's and avi's suck...

Watch it .mkv or you suck. ):P
OnyxSena with even more udders? OMG
CharXvid please.
Kerabanwaiting for avi release :3
thx :D
hxiiiwhat has been seen cannot be unseen....
BTW,thanks for the release.
Butcher BI'll have a farm and squeeze that Heifer for milk everyday...! ;)

Can I get an... "E - I - E - I - O" to that...? :D
PotskyThanks for the Xvid.. :D
RascalOk, I know it's just cow cosplay, but she seems pregnant in there. That's some seriously nice marketing too :)
FredilocWow, I swear this show must be going for the record for most swimsuit episodes in a season. What is it now, 5?
Eno3 episodes left, based on fact that story is now about half-way from novels (ongoing), we will get another "anime original ending" ... i miss old times -_-

Thanks for subs~
zqrevguess you guys missed the wakarimashita at around 11:21 minutes. otherwise, keep it up! :)
Meat loverThanks for the subs!
That pic of Sena would be very nice *without* those udders.
The "bath scene" lacked the 肉 of the original. Unfortunate.
My thanks, as always.
Qrius@the "training camp" thingy
they're training to be prepared for when they become famous, I believe Yozora said that literally herself

thanks for the release, Mazui!
Wanteiwe sure got a lot of "Meat" is this episode *nosebleed*...
EnoOMG! When is next episode coming out!?
spicomazuisubs BANNZAI !!
neswhere us ep 8